Sunday, November 14, 2010

Only 40 days!

Did you know that there are only 40 days until Christmas?! Can I freak out yet? Actually, I won't be, I hope. :)

This pay day I'm going to start Christmas shopping! I remember the days when I used to be done by October 1. It seems as I get older, the closer to Christmas I get. I'm going to start making my lists, and get a few things knocked off. I have a few ideas for the hard to get people on my list. :) It's not going to be a big, extravagant Christmas this year, but I'm fine with that. Low key is good. :)

But before Christmas is Thanksgiving. Since my workplace is closed on the day after Thanksgiving, I'm debating about heading up north on Wednesday after work and spending a long Thanksgiving weekend up there. It's so tempting. I may not be able to do shopping on the day after Thanksgiving, but the more I think about it, the more fine I am with that. With Grandpa passing this year, I feel the need to be by my family. I don't know if that is normal or odd.

What are your plans for the holidays? Have you started on Christmas shopping yet? What are some of your favorite, cheap/homemade gifts that you have either received or given?


Anonymous said...

40days. REALLY??! Thats not much. eeekk..^^
No, not shopped yet..but I have alreay made up my mind and wrote down ideas...well, I used internet shopping already so that I dont need to run errands as much as I did last year!;D
Our plans for the holidays/Christmas are- as we dont celebrate Thanksgiving here in Germany-that we head to west Germany to celebrate Christmas with the whole family...with all our spouses and such!:D So looking forward to that!:) The monday after Christmas me and Kai are going to spend at his Family back in the north.:)So its pretty much "fair" this year!:D I LOVE your idea to spend Thanksgiving up north!! You really really should do that!! As its a Family happening you should spend it with the whole bunch!! :)
Love you*Linn*

Amber said...

It's coming oh so fast!!!! Too fast, LOL.

I loved hearing your plans Linn. Enjoy the holidays! :)

I am so going to spend Thanksgiving up north. I made that decision! :D