Friday, November 19, 2010


I'm fed up with my migraines and headaches. I just can't deal with them anymore. I am so over them. I feeling like I'm being pumped full of pills for no reason since they are not helping. I'll be honest, I'm ready to go off all my pills and just say fuck it and be done with doctors.

Last week while I was off work with migraines, I got to thinking that I should look into acupuncture as that has been known to help other people. I'm not afraid of needles, and it's not a pill. (I think Dr.'s prescribe pills way too easily now days, but that's just me.) And really, what do I have to lose by trying it?

Earlier this week, I went to lunch with one of my former co-workers, Debbie. During lunch I mentioned acupuncture to her and she said that Mayo offers acupuncture! I was SHOCKED! I kinda view acupuncture as a holistic medicine and didn't think that Mayo would support/provide that. Turns out they do! It's a very small area, and apparently you have to have a referral to go there, and my primary care doctor gave me one! I called earlier this week on it and have an appointment set up for December 8.

After I set up my appointment I got to thinking that perhaps my Mayo insurance would cover it....I wasn't hopeful, but was kinda hoping that they would cover 50% of it. I called MMSI (our insurance provider) and asked. It is covered 90% as long as it is for a medical reason and the doctor giving the acupuncture fills out a pre-determination form. I called and asked him to fill one out. Now to wait and hear back, but I am hopeful.

I am SHOCKED. 100% SHOCKED. I was bracing myself for the whole "no we do not cover that" line. I am very thankful for my insurance. VERY BLESSED.

Oh and I'll post an update after I have the acupuncture done!

1 comment:

My Captivating Life said...

My husband swears by acupuncture....ofcourse he is asian. :) I have never had it done. I hope it works for you!