Saturday, November 13, 2010

Almost Forgot!

I almost forgot to blog today! Whoops!!

Today was spent sleeping in, then starting to clean a bit, then went to Haley and Cassidy's birthday party. (My nieces.) It was good to see Jason's family and the girls LOVED their presents. They both got books and Cassidy also got a bit of fabric since she has a sewing machine now. She really enjoyed it. Yay!

Despite taking my naproxen before the birthday party, I still got a headache. :( I came home and napped until almost 6 p.m. I couldn't believe I slept that long! Apparently I needed it. After my nap I ended up starting to organize and clean more for my Norwex party on Monday. I'm looking forward to it. :)

I made good progress in the kitchen, dining room, and living room. While cleaning I realized how much I like the shape of my apartment. I can start in one room and work my way to the back of the apartment. It works really well.

Now I'm off to head to bed and read for a bit and then get up tomorrow and finish. I was hoping to have my scrapbook room done and organized, but that won't happen. Oh well, it will get done, just not before Monday. :)

Hope everyone had a great Saturday! :)

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