Friday, November 27, 2009


I've been at RSC all day and I'm finally making progress on my South Dakota trip pictures!!! Jason and I only took the trip in 2006 and I'm finally working on the scrapbooking pages. I've only done a few pages, but it feels great to make progress on it! I should be taking pictures of my layouts and sharing them, but I am too lazy and I'm using Jessi's laptop so I'm not going to yet.

The best part is that I decided that I'm not scrapbooking all of the pictures that I printed, so I bought some of the photo album pages so I can incorportate all of the pictures into the scrapbook. That is if I can fit them all into one scrapbook. I'm thinking it will end up being two scrapbooks.

I'm sure this blog entry made so sense to anyone since I'm carrying on conversations at RSC while I'm supposed to be scrapbooking and that I'm super tired and have an awful headache. But oh well.

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