Friday, November 06, 2009

Journal Jar Question: {Instrument}

Since I can't think of anything off the top of my head to blog about today, I'm going to use my trusty journal jar and choose a question! Today's question is:

"What instrument do you wish you could play and why?"
I have always wanted to play the piano. I think it sounds so beautiful and that it would be very relaxing to play. Way back in 5th and 6th grade I played the clarinet. I have no idea why I chose that one, but I gave up band. I regret not begging to take piano lessons. A couple of my friends played piano and we would all sing (me very off key!) to the songs. We spent many a lunch hours doing that in the band room.

Maybe now that I'm an adult I will eventually take piano lessons. I think it would be a wonderful hobby to take up. Maybe I should add it onto my bucket list.


Genoski said...

I wish I could play the Triangle, then I could call everyone to dinner.

Jessica Henriquez said...

Those lunch hours were so much fun.

Heather said...

I always wanted to play the guitar. Now I want my son to learn the guitar.