Friday, January 02, 2009

Day 2 {Fabric}

Day 2

The other day I was at Joann's looking at stuff and wandered through the fabric area mainly because I seen so many clearance signs. I was originally looking at fabric to make something for my mom. I couldn't find anything I liked that suited Ma, but once I seen the middle fabric I had to have it. It is just so me. I decided that I'm going to make a quilt out of it. I thought that the different textures would look good together.


Cindy said...

Oh for pretty! I love the paisley print!! That will make a cosy warm quilt..can't wait to see how you put it together.


Anonymous said...

I love that print too. Its so retro! One of these days I am gonna learn to quilt too. You got talent lady. Cant wait to see how it turns out.