Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Simple Quote

I think I'm going to start sharing some of my favorite quotes that I have stumbled across. I have a ton of them saved in a file on my computer and I realized, what good are they doing there? Someone else may enjoy them. too.

Here is todays:
Go back to simple food, simple clothes, simple pleasures.
Pray hard, work hard, sleep hard and play hard.
Do it all courageously and cheerfully. - Herbert Hoover

I wish I knew when he said that, according to Wikipedia, he was born in 1874 and died in 1964, so it was somewhere in between that. Imagine how much things have changed since he said the quote. How much we aren't "simple" anymore. I need to strive to be more simple. Cut out the excess and go back to basics and enjoy myself. I have found the more I declutter the house the happier I am.

1 comment:

Leslie Jordan said...

Amber, I love that quote, and I've never heard it before. You're right. Simplicity brings peace. I am the same way with my environment. I am so much more happy when I clean things out - physically and mentally.