Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Life has been busy lately, and I still feel like I haven't gotten anything done. Don't you just hate that??

Last night I cannned 5 quarts of tomatoes. It was my first attempt at canning all by my self. I made a HUGE mess, but it was good. I did make the fire alarm go off (not good as Jason as attempting to sleep, ROFL.) and I only had to make 1 call to ma! Not too bad! I am disappointed that only 3 jars sealed. I have no clue what I did wrong, but hopefully next time more than that will seal. I also decided to freeze the 4 pint jars that I had instead of canning them. NO, I did not freeze them in the jars, ROFL. I put them in quart baggies and laid them flat. Takes less room that way.

I was reading over at 2peas, about people not fitting in. I feel that like. Here at work I'm the youngest person there. I also recently realized that I don't often share a lot about myself. I tend to keep to myself more. Whether that is good or bad, I don't know. I will talk about my creative stuff that I'm doing, and such like that, but not much else.

I'm also content to stay at home. I'm a homebody. Love being at home. In my space. Scrapping. Watching tv. Doing anything. Home is conforting to me. I listen to all the people in the office at work talk about going out with friends and such and I realize that I don't have friends to go out with. But once again, that doesn't bother me. I'm fine with that. I have my family and online friends. When I talk about my online friends, like "Chele made this awesome altered clock." People ask me if I could bring it in to see in person. Or say something like, "Chele and you must go shopping together all the time." Umm....no. Would love to do that, but Chele lives in Florida. I live in Minnesota. They don't get the whole online friends thing. I hate that.

I'm shy. I can't do the whole small talk thing. Sometimes I feel like I don't fit in. I'm comfortable just listening to people talk. I don't have to talk about myself. Is that odd? Hopefully not. I just need friends that love to talk, ROFL.

I'm also thinking about giving teaching a shot at the LSS. (Local scrapbook store for those of you who don't know the scrapbook lingo.) First I need to come out of my shell a little bit and go to a crop and stuff first. You know, ease myself into it. Makes it much easier.

You know, I'm explaining things to people here, and I don't think anyone even reads this, ROFL. Maybe I should be brave and post this my link over at Mama Central. But then comes the question...would anyone want to read what I have to say? Hmm....I don't know......


Unknown said...

Yea we go shopping together ALL the time. Here is how it goes. Amber enables. I shop. And Amber says, I dont know if I should buy it. ROFL
I wanna go to Minnesota sooooooooo bad. :(

Amber said...

ROFL, that is too funny! You know, it will be snowing here soon, you can come and shop and experience snow, LOL.

Amber :)

kandi said...

I know.. it would be so fun to all get together and go shop.

I understand perfectly about being shy.. I have gotten worse as I have gotten older. I just don't communicate well in person anymore.