Friday, September 11, 2009

Cat in a Bag

I'm working on pictures to post, but in the mean time, enjoy this video of Cullen. :)


Jessica said...

This video doesn't work! :(

Heather said...

My cat used to like to crawl into empty cases of pop, bags, boxes, whatever. Now she's too big to fit into most of that stuff but I bet she'd try if she could!

Leslie Jordan said...

Cute! You seem to be loving your new baby. Cullen is luck to have come to your house.

Amber said...

Jess, I'm able to view the video on different computers and different browsers.

Heather, isn't it funny how cats do that!!!

Leslie, we are lucky to have Cullen! We love him so much and he is so spoiled.

cabbey said...

haha, reminds me of several instances of chasing smokey (my wife's cat) around the house because she got the handle of a bag she was playing in around her neck and now it was "following her". Paranoid little creatures those cats.

Amber said...

Cabbey, I had a cat named Smokey growing up! :)

And Cullen has done the same thing with the handle of a bag. It makes me laugh.