Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I don't know what to think.....

I don’t know what to think right now. This afternoon we picked up the girlies at school at 3 p.m. so we could run down to Hinckley to pick up the signed copy of the order for protection for Julie from the WINDOW office. We picked them up at school because we were also going to go and see Alvin and the Chipmunks with us girls in the family. It was going to be kind of a girls night out. Ma’s thinking was that it would be to kind of get back into a normalcy around here, and try to interject something positive in with all that’s been going on. Even growing up, going to a movie was a big treat, because we don’t do it often at all. It’s still that way.

While waiting in the theatre parking lot for the theatre to open at 4. (We had a 20 minute wait for the theatre to open and then a 20 minute wait for the movie to start.) Sue basically snapped. I don’t know how else to put it other than that. She turned into a yelling, screaming, raving, mad woman. I know that sounds cruel, but I honestly don’t know how else to describe it. Ma gave her the choice to either calm down and go into the theatre with us or to go home, and then her cell phone, camera, going to the game tomorrow night, and computer time would all be taken away for a week. She kept changing her mind every 5 seconds as to what she wanted to do. If she would go in or not. It was like a flipped switched. I couldn’t believe she was acting this way. Then she continued her yelling and screaming. She blamed Ma for her AVN. She told me that I’m up on a pedestal, and that I don’t know how it feels to be an underachiever. She blamed Julie and I for getting good grades and then making her feel bad about it. She just went on and on. I flat out told her that this isn’t normal and that she needed help. She then went off on a triad about how when she needed meds 2 years ago that no one listened to her. She doesn’t even take the meds she has now. I couldn’t believe how she was yelling and screaming at Ma and I, not so much at Julie thankfully. I knew that Ma and Dad have been struggling with her, but I honestly didn’t believe that she was throwing temper tantrums worse than a 2 year old. She even hit the window of the truck in her anger.

I don’t know what to think. I know that she needs to take her meds. In my opinion, it’s almost like she flipped a switch, in less than 2 seconds. I think that she needs to see a counselor, take her meds on a regular basis, and possibly even go to anger management.

I truly don’t know how Ma puts up with it. I really don’t. I hate to even admit this, but if I had my own vehicle here, I would be back on my way down to Rochester right now.

It kills me that she is treating everyone with no respect. I know she was raised better than that. It kills me that I don’t know what to do. That I know I can’t help with this. I simply don’t know what to do. All I want to do is cry and go to sleep right now. I honestly don’t know how the family deals with her moods and anger like this. I couldn’t live with it. I know I couldn’t.

I just hope and pray that things get better. I don’t know what more I can do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel the pain and helplessness in your voice.
