Sunday, January 13, 2008


Do you ever start a blog entry in your head, while you are in the middle of doing something else, and swear that you are going to remember what you came up with to post it on your blog and then you never do?

I do this all the time it seems. If only I would break away and start writing, right that second, I would have many more blog entries?

Do you find that you "censor" yourself on your blogs? I do. I'm finding that I sit down to blog, type up and entry, and then decide that it's too personal to post here. Not many people read my blog, but yet, I still find that I censor myself. Some days I think it's good, but other days I wonder if it is a good thing. Should *my* blog be about me? About what I want to say? About what's on my mind? I'm guessing that those of you reading this, would say yes, but for some reason I can't do it. I can't bring myself to post what is truly running through my mind. I keep it all inside me. I've tried writing elsewhere, but I don't do that often either. I find all of this interesting to's kind of funny how these realizations are coming forward.

Before logging into the computer and blogger, I was reading a book, actually just finished it, and was thinking about the different aspects of the book. Now, when I read, I tend to get emotionally involved in the book. I tend to laugh, smile, and cry. The end of this book, I ended up crying. It's a typical romance novel about how two people fall in love and live happily ever after. Sometimes I wish that true life was like the romance novels. I'm thinking it's time to take a break from reading them for a while.

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