Monday, June 25, 2007


Happy Monday!!! I don't mind Monday's except for the fact that means I have to go back to work, lol. Once I get there, I usually do fine though, lol.

It seems like I had a ton of different things to blog about, but my mind is blank right now. For those of you that asked questions, I will respond to them someday this week, hopefully. Also thank you for the song recommendations!!! I love my music. :) By the way, Kenny Chesney has a new song out, "Never Wanted Nothing More." It's getting up there in plays on my playlist, lol. LOVE that song. :)

There has been a lot going on with Susan, Julie, Ma and Dad up north. So much so that Jason and I are worried about their safety. We have offered Ma to either send the girls down here, to have her and the girls come down here, or if they need money to move out of the house, Jason and I will give them money no questions asked. I know that Ma doesn't like to accept help, but we are very concerned. I've been praying and praying. On Friday night, Susan text messaged me saying that she was having suicidal thoughts. I'm so happy she reached out to me.....Ma said that she would seriously consider the options that Jason and I gave her. I told Susan about the offer that Jason and I made, since she has been posting that if dad doesn't stop drinking she is going to leave. I thought that it might help calm her down and know that there are options. It had the opposite effect, unfortunately. I kept getting text messages about how she can't leave home. Jason and I have absolutely no pull in the decision other than putting the offer out there. The decision is up to Ma. Julie is now upset, because she overheard Sue tell someone on the phone that they might be moving. I told Susan to tell Julie, but obviously she didn't. Ma was at work that's why nothing was discussed. Saturday I got a call because Susan feels that everyone is trying to make her life miserable, since Ma told her no phone, Internet, or xboxlive after 9 p.m. because rules were not followed. I honestly don't think that is unreasonable, but Susan feels that Ma is trying to ruin her life. Ma is truly only trying to be a mom and do what is best for the girls. I wish that they would listen more to her and not questions every little thing. I know that being a teenager sucks, trust me, I was there not too long ago, and I know that I wasn't exactly the easiest teenager to deal with, but I don't think I was as disobedient...maybe I'm wrong there, I know I'm not perfect and I know I didn't listen all the time, but I do know that each night I did the dishes, and my homework, and was home before curfew. I know that Dad's drinking is awful. He doesn't realize he is destroying his family. But he is. I can't believe that he told Susan that he didn't love her anymore. What kind of dad does that? Julie didn't say a word to him for 2 weeks, I'm told, and he didn't even notice. When we are up north, he tries to talk to Jason and I, but do you know how hard it is to have a conversation with a drunk? Especially when he believes he's not drunk and nothing is wrong? Between dad's drinking and his diabetes, he is going to end up killing himself. I honestly don't know what to do other than be there for them. I'm only a phone call away. I have my cell phone with me at all times, and am only a text or phone call away.

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