Saturday, June 09, 2007


Today Jason and I ran around. We started out at the Children's Exchange where you bring in your kids clothes and can get cash in return. We finally pulled the boxes down and between that the Children's Exchange and Once Upon A Child, we are down to just a few things left. I'm so relieved. It was really bothering me having all of the baby stuff around when Jason and I haven't been able to make a baby, like I talked about in a previous entry. So I'm relieved that 90% of it is gone, and now to just go through the rest and see if it's worth eBaying or just to give it away. Since a ton of it was new, I don't know what route to go, I will see and then get rid of the rest of it. Another plus is that there is now more space in the spare bedroom. :)

After that we ran all over doing errands and went out to lunch at Applebees. It was nice. :)

Came home, put stuff away and then decided to take a nap, lol. Seriously it seems like lately that every Saturday afternoon I take a nap. I don't know what's up with that, but obviously I need more sleep, I guess, lol. :) After my nap today I did my nails. I've decided that I've been getting too high maintenance, and that's not me.

I was getting my brows done every 2-3 weeks, a nail fill every 3 weeks, and then was starting getting my hair done every 6 weeks. I haven't really been happy with my Nail Tech for a while now, so I decided that I'm going to be done getting my nails done. That will save us about $30 every 3 weeks. The downside is now that I took my acrylics off, my nails are all weak. It sucks. One of my co-workers suggested that I try the OPI Nail Envy. You put 2 coats on day 1, and then another coat on daily. It's supposed to strengthen them. You take it off every week. So I bought some of that at Tradesecret at the Mall and a couple of OPI nail colors. I really like how the OPI nail polish goes on, so I splurged a bit. But I figure that since I'm not getting my nails done, I can spend $7.50 on a polish. :)

I also think I'm going to not get my hair done again. The red faded in about 1 1/2 weeks this time. I do like how it faded, but I don't think it is worth the cost (about $140) every 6 weeks, if it's going to fade. So I think I'm going to go in and see if she can't color it back to close to my normal color, and go back and be boring. I've thought about coloring it myself at home, but don't know if I quite want to tackle that yet. :) I'd much rather save that money than spend it every 6 weeks.

I'm still on the hunt for a new job, I applied for another one today, and I'm going to look in the classifieds again to see if anything in there might work for me. I really would love a new job, so I'm going to keep plugging away and keep looking. Nothing will come if I don't look.

I've felt really content for the most part lately, I like that feeling. Happy and content. :) It's much better than what I was feeling for the longest time. It's amazing what a few changes can bring.

Anyway, I'm off to play Halo3 beta, since it ends tomorrow. :(

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