Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I'm starting to realize that I live a boring life. I get up, spend 15-30 minutes online in the morning, shower, eat, and go to work. I work 8-5, go home, put my comfies on, eat, and then scrap or play Halo2. Sometimes we go shopping during the week and of course have to do laundry. The major cleaning gets done on the weekends, with other stuff sprinkled in. How boring is that?

We aren't exciting are we?

Even through we are boring, I'm content with that.


Unknown said...

Then you want to add kids to that........
You will LONG for boring, ROFL

Amber said...

I can't wait to add kids to the mix! Can't come soon enough....

Unknown said...

Then you will be a never bored balded headed lady, LOL Its a wonder I have any hair left at all! ROFL

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your "boring life" while you still have it. When God chooses for you to have kids, life will be complete pandemonium, filled with joys, thrills and spills, and a realization that your marriage will never be the same again. When that day comes, enjoy it too. It's all good. And it all goes by very quickly.