Thursday, June 15, 2006

Blog Challenge: Summer memories

Thank you Sheila for the challenge, this was lots of fun!

What is your most treasured Summer memory from growing up?
My most treasured memories would probably be going down to the campground about 2 miles down the road and hanging out at the pool and with all of the cute boy campers. Oh my. We had so much fun. Kelsey, lived at the campground (her parents owned it) and we had so much fun. We would be swimming, playing mini golf, playing on the play ground, playing pool, feeding the jukebox in the game room quarters, and just having fun. Most of the time was spent in the pool. Our favorite time was when the Johnson's, who were seasonal campers came up. It was an extended family and the boys were Doug (we re-named him Bubba. Have no clue where we got that name!) and David. We had numerous noodle fights in the pool with them, and Kelsey had such a crush on Doug's little brother (I can't remember his name!) and I had a crush on David, but flirted with Bubba all the time too. All around good time. That lasted what, I think 2 or 3 summers until they sold the campground? Great teenage fun!!

What do you do or have you done to try to rekindle that?
Nothing, I'm married now, can't exactly go around chasing cute guys, LOL. But it was fun while it lasted, LOL.

What is your favorite Summer activity now that you are grown up?
I love going up north and going camping at Lake 12. Nothing beats having a bunch of families around, tents & campers pitched, fishing and swimming off the end of the dock, camp fires at night, and good food. Of course, you can't forget the fireworks that we shoot off the as well. There's nothing like sleeping in a tent, and using an outhouse, LOL. I'm disappointed that Jason and I won't be able to do that this summer over the 4th of July weekend. But we are going camping with Jason's family down at Money Creek and that will be fun. It's different though because it's at a campground and not as private, but still fun! I enjoy camping and cooking over an open fire. Jason remember the first time we went camping, and you couldn't start the fire, I had to, LOL. It's a good thing, one of us was a true camper, LOL. Watching Toby & Randy build fires that had flames going 10+ feet in the air really helped. And no, I'm not kidding, we had to cut some of the tree branches down so they wouldn't catch fire, LOL. The coals were perfect in the morning for cooking over though. :) Lots and lots of fun camping at Lake 12 was.

1 comment:

Magpie said...

We did alot of camping as I grew up too. But, I have never camped with my children. I should, but I don't think that camping in Florida would be all the enjoyable. Well, it wasn't.. Hurricane Charlie showed me that. LOL