Sunday, August 31, 2008

Day 244 {Hat}

Day 244

At the Minnesota Newspaper Museum, they were giving out hats. Of course I had to grab one!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Day 242 {Happy Face}

Day 242

Growing up I used to draw on my hands all the time. Ma hated it. But There is just something about having a smiley face on my finger that just makes me happy and smile.

Up North Pics

Why yes, I'm trying to get caught up on my pic updates? Why do you ask? :)

These pics are taken mainly on August 4. Once again feel free to check out this set on my Flickr account for more pics and descriptions.

Two Harbors Trip!

Back at the beginning of August (shhh...I know I'm behind in blogging this!) Jason and I went to up to Two Harbors, Minnesota in honor of our five year wedding anniversay. (Actually I think both of us jut wanted to eat at Betty's Pies!). Here are some pictures of our trip. I'm not going to post all the pictures I took, or the description for all of them. If you want more, check out my Two Harbors, MN set on Flickr. If you do choose to go to Flickr, you click on the tumbnail of the picture to make it bigger and to read my description!

Another Article!

Another article of mine has been posted on Small Business Tech. Check it out! It's about Shortcut Keys!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Day 241 {Lips}

Day 241

A simple pics of my lips. I'm not fond with how this turned out and it was the best one out of all of them.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Guest Article

I joined Twitter a while ago and have met some fun people on there! One of them recently started up a Small Business Tech blog and asked if I would be willing to contribute articles. My first one was posted today. It's about promoting your business. Feel free to read it if you want!

They have asked me to contribute more in the future, and I plan to do that! This is both a bit challenging and exciting for me. I am enjoying it! I haven't written anything in forever, other than my random blog entries here. So much fun!

Day 240 {Cold}

Day 240

I went from wearing skirts and dresses around the house to wearing pants today. It was freezing today! Lots of wind and rain, but it felt so good I didn't want to close up the house. Enjoyed it by relaxing a bit.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Day 239 {I grew this!!!}

Day 239

I picked the very first tomato from my garden tonight. I can't believe that I am actually growing veggies!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Day 238 {Reflection}

Day 238

Sitting outside today writing a blog entry in Word. Was a perfect evening outside.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Day 237 {Quick Shot}

Day 237

Just a quick shot before heading to bed. No make-up, just simply me.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Day 236 {Carrot Claw!}

Day 236

The carrot claw is going to come and get you! ARGH! Be afraid, be very afraid. ;)

This was the first carrot that I pulled out of my garden.

Friday, August 22, 2008


Oh how I love the rain! It's raining out, a nice soaking rain. I love the sound of the rain.

When I heard it I jumped up from the couch and opened the door to see if it truly was rain or if it was part of the movie I was watching. It was rain.

It brought back memories from when I was a teenager. I think I was around 16 years old and it was pouring out, a nice hard, summer rain. It was twilight, still a bit bright out, but starting to get dark. I was standing in the porch watching and listening to the rain come down, and dad was there too. As typical, the radio was going, I don't remember what one. But I said, "I've always wanted to dance in the rain." Next thing I know dad pulls me out and we dance in the rain, me laughing like crazy. We got soaked.

For those of you that know dad, he doesn't dance at all. It was such a fun moment.

Bonus Picture {365 Reject}

I chose my reading pic for my portrait a day, but I loved how my wind blown hair looked in this one.

Day 235 {Book Worm}

Day 235

Sitting outside in the wind, reading my book. I love sitting outside and reading.


I did something today that I rarely do. I went to the Mall, hit up Hot Topic quick looking for the comics my sister wants and then meandered into Barnes and Noble. There is just something I like about spending time in a bookstore, pursing and reading the synopsis of books. I just love the smell of books. Books make me so happy. I spent about an hour and a half just looking at books and jotting the titles down. It made me a little sad to walk out with no book, but I enjoyed myself. Going to a bookstore by myself isn't something I typically do. I enjoyed it.

{101 Things}

I seen a post on message board I'm a member of challenging you to post on your blog 101 Things about you. If you are reading this, I'm tagging you, so you have to do this too!

  1. Jason and I have been married for 5 years already. Wow, it doesn't feel that long at all!
  2. I turned 25 this year, and I feel old, much older than that.
  3. I love to cook and eat way to much.
  4. I carry a book with me just about everywhere I go. I started this when I was young and still do it. If I forget it, it seems like I always have a few minutes to kill and I wish I had brought my book!
  5. The older I'm getting, the less klutzy I am.
  6. The older I'm getting, the more I screw up my words and say off the wall things.
  7. I LOVE taking pictures.
  8. When I grow up I want to be a photographer.
  9. I've been debating about going back to school, but part of me is scared that I will fail.
  10. I used to collect Winnie the Pooh stuff.
  11. I am working on getting into the less the more, and decluttering more and more.
  12. I love getting letters or little surprises in the mail.
  13. I am actually parting with books, unless I know I will read them again. Thank you PaperBackSwap!
  14. I always try to be early whenever I have to be somewhere at a certain time, but I'm getting more and more lienent about that. Instead of going for 15 minutes early, I aim for 5 minutes early.
  15. I am still in love with scrapbooking and seem to be doing it more and more lately.
  16. I am enjoying my blog this year more than others. Can you tell by the number of entries?
  17. I have watched very little of the Olympics this year, but whenever I turn it on, it seems to be beach volleyball. How funny is that?
  18. I am addicted to Twitter.
  19. I love how goofy and funny my husband is. I am the luckiest woman in the world to have him.
  20. If I don't respond to emails right away, I'm awful at responding to them.
  21. I am getting into making more and more cards. I am loving it.
  22. I love to wrap presents, especially Christmas presents.
  23. My favorite is pink.
  24. I prefer a bouquet of wildflowers to a bouquet or roses.
  25. I'm such a country girl at heart.
  26. I dream of living out in the country again.
  27. I couldn't live without music. Especially country.
  28. I hate shoes and socks. If I could go barefoot wherever I go, I would be thrilled!
  29. I hate it when people ask when my husband and I are going to have kids or why don't we have kids yet. We have fertility issues, and I don't want everyone to know.
  30. I'm a fairly private person until you get to know me.
  31. I'm shy.
  32. Currently I'm following 130 blogs in bloglines. Think I'm addicted? ;)
  33. I dream of traveling to Paris someday.
  34. I love shopping at Target.
  35. I used to be a morning person, always getting up early, now that my schedule varies, I find myself sleeping in more and more and staying up later at night.
  36. My favorite beverage is iced tea.
  37. I am in love with full length aprons. I covet them.
  38. We are thinking of decorating our kitchen based around my red Kitchen Aid mixer. In a vintage cherries theme.
  39. I am so blessed.
  40. I love my Kitchen Aid mixer and use it a TON. My baking has dramatically increased since getting it.
  41. I'm a huge coupon user. Love my coupons and getting items for free.
  42. I am awful at remembering dates and important information, but I can remember grocery store prices.
  43. When I wear socks, they are bright and fun.
  44. Even though I'm 25, I love skulls, and the emo/goth look.
  45. For the first time this year I grew stuff in a garden all on my own. Even more shockingly I enjoyed it!
  46. I dream of living back in a simpler time. Without technology. I think like the Laura Ingalls Wilder years.
  47. I'm not your typical 25-year old person.
  48. Very, very, very rarely do I drink or party.
  49. I have a hard time accepting compliments on my scrapbooking. I truly don't think I'm more creative than the next person.
  50. I'm not a gold jewelry fan. I love anything silver.
  51. I have 2 younger sisters that I love dearly and wished I lived closer to them and my parents.
  52. I dream of having my own library. The walls lined with shelves filled with books, and a window seat to sit and read my books on.
  53. I have always dreamed of being an artist or playing piano. I am not able to draw more than a stick person. I am so not musically inclined at all.
  54. Despite my lack of ability to sing, I love to sing along to the radio.
  55. When I'm scrapbooking or cleaning I LOVE to have my music cranked. Good thing my neighbors are older, lol.
  56. I want to get better at cooking and sewing.
  57. I want to learn how to knit or crochet.
  58. My favorite flower is daisies. I <3>
  59. I'm a huge list maker. They make me feel centered, organized, and like I have a plan. Love crossing things off my list.
  60. I LOVE board games.
  61. Monopoly is my favorite, I think we have over 12 different versions of Monopoly.
  62. I love fall and spring. Winter is beautiful too, I love the whiteness of the snow, but hate the cold.
  63. I only like my curly hair when it's wet.
  64. I am still struggling with my weight.
  65. I love to snuggle in bed with Jason. Nothing relaxes me more.
  66. I hate going to the doctor and dentist. But sometimes it's necessary so I go.
  67. I have a bit of anxiety of going places I'm not familiar with.
  68. I've found that I actually enjoy stepping out of my comfort zone.
  69. I am looking forward to planning next years garden.
  70. When I come home from work, the first thing I do is change into comfy clothes.
  71. I am loving my part-time hours. I still dream of being a stay at home wife, but I can't tell you how much happier I am being part-time.
  72. Somedays I'm just in the mood to go and wander around a book store and look around. I love the smell of new books.
  73. I enjoy taking naps. I think everyday should include a nap.
  74. When I take naps I feel like I waste part of the day.
  75. I hate drama.
  76. I don't have many close girlfriends.
  77. I love the sound of rain pattering on the windows while sitting on the couch reading a book.
  78. I'm addicted to Flickr.
  79. I'm a collecter of cookbooks and recipes I want to try. Very rarely do I try new ones.
  80. I prefer Coldstone ice cream over Dairy Queen.
  81. I can tell when I'm about to get my period because I crave chocolate like there is no tomorrow.
  82. Even when I'm off, I still check my work e-mail.
  83. I'm a wannabe cake decorator.
  84. I love this time of year with all of the school and office supplies. I'm such a dork.
  85. My homepage is personalized, of course.
  86. I love having my toe mails painted.
  87. I've never had a pedicure.
  88. I'm way too tickelish.
  89. My hair is often tossed up when I'm home.
  90. I'm not fond of how I look.
  91. Somedays I love our small house, other days I wish we had a bigger one.
  92. I love cookie dough, dough, and cake mix, all before it's baked of course.
  93. I enjoy sharing my knowledge, but I'm often afraid that people will take it the wrong way. I'm really not a know it all and still have so much to learn.
  94. I'm not too fond of wearing make-up, but when I do it's mineral make-up, which looks awesome!
  95. I go through waves of playing video games. I haven't played now for about a month.
  96. I check my email way too many times during the day.
  97. I hate doing the dishes, especially the silverware.
  98. I don't mind doing laundry, but hate putting it away and mating socks.
  99. The two movies that I have been watching lately are "Music and Lyrics" and "Juno."
  100. I can't wait for Wall-E to come out on DVD! We seen that in the theatre twice.
  101. I am so lucky that my husband encourages me and my hobbies.

This went pretty well for me until I hit around 80ish. I can't wait to see who else does this! Link me to your post or let me know that you updated your blog. I can't wati to read yours.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Day 234 {Laptop}

Day 234

This is my laptop keyboard. I've had it for a little over 2 years now, and hubby gives me a hard time because some of the keys don't have letters on anymore. On the right side of the space bar, it is completely smooth, the left side is still a bit textured. I am still in love with my laptop and don't want to get a new one.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Day 233 {Animal Crackers}

Day 233

At work snacking on animal crackers while no one is in the lab. I have an odd way of eating animal crackers. I eat the feet first, then the head and tail and then the rest of the cracker. Please tell me I'm not alone in how I eat animal crackers.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Day 232 {Hair}

Day 232

Not feeling the best today, I am coming down with something. Napped a bit, read some, and going to bed early. Hope to be feeling better tomorrow.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Day 231 {Hair}

Day 231

How come I absolutely love my hair when it is wet but when it dries I don't like it? I couple small curls on my shoulder and my freckles.


As most of you know, I love to coupon shop. If I can get something for free or very cheap, I'm thrilled. In order to get these deals, you can't really be brand loyal. There are a few brands that I prefer, but I'm not willing to pay full price for them.

A while back I seen a bottle of Pert Plus plus that had a mail in rebate form, plus I had a coupon. Of course I bought it. When I finally got around to using the bottle of Pert, it brought back memories.

The smell of it took me back to being a kid, washing my hair over the sink or in the shower. I completely forgot that Ma used to buy Pert Plus while we were younger. Since it was a two in one shampoo, it was easier for us and only required one washing.

I thought it was funny how a little bottle of shampoo brought back memories.


As you all know from a previous blog entry Ma taught me how to can and I loved it. I'm finally getting around to telling you all what we canned.

We canned:

  • 11--1/2 pints of blueberry jam
  • 7 pints of blueperry jam
  • 13 pints of strawberry jam
  • 1--1/2 pint of strawberry jam
  • 10 pints of peach jam
  • 3--1/2 pints of peach jam
  • 13 pints of chicken

Obviously all we canned wasn't in the picture!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

FINALLY caught up!

I am finally caught up on posting my self-portraits a day. If you want to go back and see the pictures, you can scroll down to around August 4 and see them.

Day 230 {Relaxing}

Day 230

Spent the day relaxing and finally getting caught up on editing, uploading, and blogging my self-portrait a day pictures. Feels so good to be caught up!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Creativity Quote

This quote really hit me. It just SO fits me!!

"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." — Scott Adams

What font are you?

You Are Helvetica

Your life is ultra modern and ultra streamlined.

You don't get bogged down in details or decoration.

You like to think that you're the epitome of style and taste.

People either totally get you - or they think you're boring and generic.

Day 229 {Barefoot}

Day 229

Another picture of me going barefoot. We had a garage sale and I spent a nice portion of the day barefoot. It made me very happy.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Day 228 {Routine}

Day 228

Every Friday before I go to bed, I call my husband who is at work to say goodnight. I think it 's a great routine to have.