Thursday, July 27, 2006

Template and other ramblings

I figured I would change my template since I didn't feel that it was "me" anymore. I know, I know, in the grand scheme of things it's not that big of a deal, but for me, it was. Back when I first started blogging, it was mainly to share some scrapbook thoughts, whatever. To be honest, I haven't scrapbooking for a few months now. How horrible is that? I simply haven't felt like scrapping. I don't know why I chose this template, but for some reason, I think it fits me. I love the colors and style of it. I do wish there were a couple things I could change, if I could figure out how. But overall, I think it is perfect for me, and how I've been feeling lately. Who knows, maybe I will change it again in a few days.

The weight loss is still going well, I am now down 41.5 pounds. I never thought I would be able to lose that much. It is amazing. For the past couple of weeks, I haven't felt like tracking my foods, and have felt on the verge of falling off of the healthy bandwagon I've been on. I feel like I am starting to lose my grip even more so. I don't know why I suddenly feel this way.

I met an amazing friend online a while back. She is a couple years older than me, but I swear we could be twins! We use so many of the same phrases, are just so similar, it's hard to believe that we aren't long lost sisters or something, LOL. We talked the other night on the phone for the first time and hit it off on there as well. Talking to her on the phone made me realize how much I miss having a friend nearby to hang out with and gab and gossip with. It's too bad that she lives in Colorado, well maybe that is a good thing, because I think our hubby's would get tired of us being together all the time, LOL. Although I do think our hubby's would hit off as well, since they are both into video games, LOL.

Last night I went to bed very shortly after I wrote that post, I was hoping that sleep would help me out, but it didn't. I think that what I truly need is a good cry. You know how sometimes, a good cry will help? That's what I think will help, but then I'm not able to cry. It's like you know you need to, but can't. I hate that feeling. I still am down and in a funk. I feel like I'm in a fog and can't get out. I hate feeling like this, I wish it would just go away. I know it's not that simple, but I can wish, can't I?

1 comment:

Amy Purdy said...

I just had a good cry in the presence of my therapist, I DO feel better after that! So watch you a sad movie or something that will make you cry and just have a big sob fest. It works wonders for all that stuff bundled up inside.

I have been wanting to change my blog template, just because I get tired of the same ol' thing, but I can't find one as "pretty" LOL I don't know, just can't find the one that perfectly fits. And stuff like that matters a great deal to me. A little too much to be healthy I'm sure ;)