Saturday, January 29, 2011

Challenge Day 2: Answer one question I think people visiting my blog may have.

Edited: I thought that it would be a good idea to edit in short answers to these questions for those of you that haven't followed my blog from the beginning. And I'm too lazy to go and search for all of these answers.

This is a hard challenge for me, for some reason. I guess that's why it's called a challenge, huh? I have thought of many possible questions...

Why do you call your "The Wannabe Domestic Diva?"
Because I would love to me a stay at home mom/wife someday. Taking care of the house, baking everything homemade, etc. I'm not a Domestic Diva yet, but I'm a wannabe.

Why do you use your real name as your URL?
Because I knew that I would never stay with the same title of my blog, and my using my name, I could change the title of my blog as it suited me. Though the draw back is that I'm not anonymous.

What is the true point of your blog?
There is none! It's about everything and anything I want too. A little bit of normal, a little bit of crazy.

Why don't you have children?
Let's just say that it's not from lack of trying. The short answer is that I have PCOS, which makes it difficult to conceive. Long answer I'm not comfortable blogging about at the moment. Perhaps one day.

Why don't you have a focus on your blog?
Because if I did, I think I would get bored. I like not having limits to what I can post about on my blog. If it just were scrapbooking, I couldn't post funny stories about my sisters, or my money problems.

What are your hobbies?
Scrapbooking, reading, photography, baking, crafting in general, dorking around online.

Why do you go for such long periods without posting?
Life has it's ups and downs. Sometimes when life gets busy, my blog gets neglected.

I've decided I'm going to not answer any of those as I have answered them somewhat in previous posts. The true question that I think everyone is wondering is...

What did you have for breakfast today?

You might think I am a mind reader right? Ya'll were really wondering that right? Well I am going to put your mind at ease today.

I had a bowl of frosted mini-wheats for breakfast.

Now ya'll can sleep tonight knowing what I had for breakfast.


Andrew said...

Hi Amber,

I now feel like frosted mini-wheats!! darn it.

All the best


Janet Lee said...

I love it :) I had that for lunch :)

Jeff said...

It's like you're inside my head. Freaky.

Nice take, but now I've got to go back through your old posts to find the answers to all those other questions...

Amber said...

Thanks Andrew and Janet! Frosted Mini Wheats are the best! So good!

Jeff, I'll go back and link to other blog entries or add in answers to the questions. :)

Jeff said...

heh heh ... thanks! I feel much better now.

(Sorry about the extra work! I was kidding, though I was actually curious.)

Amber said...

Jeff, it wasn't a problem at all. :) I was debating about doing the answers with the initial post, but never did...glad you got your answers! :)