Sunday, June 01, 2008


NOTE: You can click on any of the pictures to view them larger.

Lately I've been trying to find beauty where I live in town. I yearn to be out in the country again, but since that is not a possibility, I've been taking pictures of things around me here at home. Despite being in the middle of town, we still do have plants and wildlife around.

First pictures though are from May 30. On May 29 we had some wicked wind and lots of rain during the night. The next morning when I went out to check my plants, this is what I found.

These next pictures were also taken on May 30 in the morning, before the hail storm. (See next post for pictures of that. :)

First picture is of our unique yard. We have grass, purple flowers, dandelions, and weeds. As hubby says it gives our yard character. I have to agree.

Ants on peony. I wonder why ants are always attracted to peonies.

White flowers on a bush seperating us from our neighbors house.

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