Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Have you ever felt so busy that you feel like you will never get caught up? That's now I feel right now. And I truly don't have that much going on. It's crazy. And I don't like it.

I gotta do my design team projects.

Prep for my class at the end of the month.

We still have our Christmas Tree up. That needs to come down.

Work with Nick on the Scrappy-Chic website.

Mod Podge Kim's paint can.

And in the midst of all of this, I want to get rid of stuff. I want to simplify. I want to be free of all of these things weighing me down. I want to toss crap that we don't need. This should be fun. I feel overwhelmed. This will pass and I will simplify.

On top of all of that, guess what dumb thing I did today.

Did ya guess yet?

How about now?

Well, you should have!

I was opening a supply box at work, using scissors and somehow managed to cut my finger! Bleeding and everything. Now I have a band-aid on my finger and it feels funny typing. I drew blood and I wasn't even scrapbooking! Gosh, freakin' idiot!


Unknown said...

Well aleast you didnt bleed all over some Basic Grey cause I do believe that would be a crime!!! LOL

Jason said...

Better to bleed at work than at home.

Did you fill out an incident report?