Saturday, January 28, 2006

Rain & Class

Class went very well!! I had about 12 students and they all made the box, whoo hoo! They said that I was very patient and they want to take another class from me. *Shock* So I should see what else I can bring in and turn into a class. LOL.

And it's been raining all day! I left for class about 10:30 and it was a little sprinkley, and it's been rainy all day now.

I also got the Sidetracked Home Executive book from Chele in the mail yesterday, I believe. And I got a couple lovely birthday tags in the mail. Chele and Jen's. They are both awesome!!! Thanks guys!

Oh sorry, went off on a tanget there....anyway, I'm going to try the S.H.E method out. I went and bought the colored cards and dividers today. I'm thinking I'm going to dress the box and dividers up though. I'm a scrapper, how can I leave them alone, LOL. Does anyone do the S.H.E. style? Does it work for you? I'm thinking I'm going to get my own copy of the book off of eBay because I truly think that it will work for me! I really enjoyed reading it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I do it when I need to do it. You will fidn after awhile, you wont need it. Its all a habit now. The trick is make it a habit. 21 days is what Im told. I did it longer than that and I still need my cards occasionally for things I don't do often. But mostly once a week I glance at them now. :)
Did you get the other stuff I sent? I figured you could alters SOMETHING in there. :)