Thursday, January 05, 2006

Good Day!

For the most part anyway!! I completely spaced a meeting today and got there 30 minutes late. But at least it was my co-workers, and not someone from an outside department and the meeting hadn't really gotten started anyway! Got a good laugh about it. :)

Anyway, I'm proud of myself. There was a bunch of food at the department today, none of it healthy and I didn't touch it! Usually I gotta sample a couple things, but I completely left it alone. That may not sound like much for some, but for me, it was an accomplishment.

I also had a Burger and Salad for supper instead of 2 burgers and french fries or chips.

Now I need to make myself a big glass of water and drink more water!

All in all, a good day.

1 comment:

Magpie said...

good job on the self control!!