Monday, March 02, 2009

Simple Woman’s DayBook

{I seen this on another blog and thought it would be fun to do.}

For Today…

Outside my window… Window? What window? I don't have a window in my office. :(

I am thinking… that I'm all caught up from being off work on Friday. Wondering if I could swing getting this Friday off to.

I am thankful… for my family, friends, and a job.

From the kitchen window, I can watch the cards go by.

I am wearing… khaki dress pants and a cute blue shirt.

I am creating… scrapbook pages! At least that's what I've been working on lately. Loving it.

I am going… scrapbooking with the Bellywings on Friday and hopefully Saturday too!!

I am reading… Specials by Scott Westerfeld (Part of the Uglies series)

I am hoping… that one day I will be a mommy.

I am hearing… a fan blowing.

Around the house… that I need to do a quick pick up and it will be in good shape again.

One of my favorite things… is scrapbooking or just hanging out with the Bellywings.

A few plans for the rest of the week… working every day, scrapbooking on Friday, maybe a trip to Hobby Lobby to get some storage containers, and an eye appointment on Tuesday.


Jessica said...

What do you mean "maybe" on Saturday?? You did get pre-approval, right??? I hope so! Can't wait to hang with my Bellywings! And only 2 weeks and 3 days until retreat! Woot!

Amber said...

I'm for sure there on Saturday! At that time I didn't have pre-approval. :)