Thursday, March 12, 2009

Journal Jar Question #1 {Camping}

Did you go camping as a child? Tell about your experiences.

Yup, I went camping as a child! I do believe that I was a baby the very first time I went camping (Ma, correct me if I'm wrong!). Camping was one of my favorite things to do. We went just about every year with Grandma and Grandpa. I remember seeing a quite a few pictures of me camping when I was younger. One of which I'm on a porta potty! Eek! Obviously that one won't make it on my blog!

I remember going up to Hungry Jack Lodge where Grandma was working on re-building or doing construction of some sort. I remember being on the end of the dock and catching sunfish after sunfish there. I must have been 4-6 years old, somewhere in there.

On a trip up north once, I think this was at Hungry Jack again, I was feeding ducks and one of them bit my finger.

I remember camping out in the middle of no where at the end of a long dirt road that ended. There was a lake on side and trees on another. Grandma and Grandpa had the camper there. I was bringing grandpa coffee and spilled it on myself.

Another time we were camping out in the middle of no where. Some state park up north, I remember camping with just about all of my aunts and uncles, grandma and grandpa. It was just an all around good time.

As a teenager we went camping up north once in a State park and it was a blast. I brought my friend Kelsey with me. Down the hill was a lake where we could bathe in. Otherwise we used the sun shower. (Do you still have that Ma?!?!) We had to bring all of the water and everything that we needed. We had campfires at night. One night Uncle Bob was going to chop some wood and he took Ma's new ax and started chopping and said it wasn't very sharp. Ma went over to investigate and he had the clear sheath still on it and he was trying to chop through the rivets!!! We all had a great laugh over that one. It was quite hysterical.

I remember another trip when we went to the family reunion in Alexandria. I remember Kent and Doreen being there and Ma and I, but I don't know about anyone else. But we camped in some farmers field and had to watch out for cow pies. There was a lake there and I went swimming and got leaches. We used Coke (soda pop) to get them off.

As a teenager we mainly stayed out at Kevin and Judy's place on Lake 12. There was an outhouse, lake, and plenty of room for tents and campers. We used to have HUGE bonfires after the adults went to bed. One time the guys had to cut a couple of branches off of a tree because the flames were too close. There were some singed leaves on there though!!! The next day the fire ring was almost full with ashes, which is no small feat since that thing was probably 2 feet tall. The adults were happy though since it was perfect for cooking meals over!!! When camping with the Nelson's you have one meal, clean-up, and then start prepping the next meal, and keep on going. Such delicious food all cooked over the campfire. No grills or anything, just the good old campfire. Yum.

I have such great camping memories. I love camping.

I miss camping. I would love to go on a couple trips this year. So much fun.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Yay for a Journal Jar Question! I need to do one of those here soon. I'm feeling un-motivated to blog. I love your camping memories, thanks for sharing!