Thursday, March 26, 2009


Did you know that one little "Hi" and a smile can change your day? It did mine.

Today was just one of those days where I wanted to stay in bed and shut the world out. But I couldn't, I had to get up and go to work. I was hoping to stop for a Starbucks Coffee before work, but was too slow moving I didn't have time. Since my desk was slow, I decided to use my morning break to head on over and pick one up.

I walked outside, enjoying the cool, brisk wind, and simply being outside. When I head to Starbucks, I always cut through the Gonda building. On my way to Starbucks, I was doing just that and a little boy about 4-5 was walking about 10-15 feet in front of his mom. He had a nasal cannula on, for oxygen, but looked like the happiest boy in the world. He looked up at me, smiled really wide and said, "Hi!". I smiled back and said "Hi!" too.

That one little smile and "HI!" made my day.


Heather said...

Kids like him amaze me. They are so cheerful so much of the time in spite of their obstacles.

Amber said...

Exactly Heather! It really helps put things into perspective sometimes. :)