Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Welcome to 2010

Wow, I can't believe it's already January 5 today. Where has time gone? I have to say that I truly enjoyed my Christmas break. I loved having the time off from my main job and only worked a few hours at my other job. I spent lots of time with Jason and Cullen. I only wish that I were still on vacation and home where it is nice and toasty warm.

Before going on vacation I decided that I was going to get so much done around the house. Do you think that actually happened though? Nope, it sure didn't. But it was a vacation so I should have relaxed and enjoyed my time off right? I hope so, since that's what I did. Everything is still there and will be there when I get to it.

As some of you know from my previous blog post I've done the "One Word" before. My previous words were Cultivate and Homemade Simple. Since December I've toyed with it off and on, and I decided that once again I'm going to do it. This year it's different though. I didn't wade through word lists, or spend too much time thinking about my word. I just felt a nudge that my word should be growth. I'm going with that nudge and that's my word of the year.

As always with a New Year comes with resolutions or goals. I've been debating about posting them here, and I figure why not. It's my blog, right? :) Without any further ado here are some goals/resolutions/things I want to accomplish this year.

  • Get back to eating healthy and lose weight. (Again.) I realize that this is a typical resolution, but I recently started scrapbooking my 2006 pictures of our trip to South Dakota. I can't get over how much better I look there. I actually look fairly healthy even! I was still overweight, but so much healthier. I went back and read some of the journaling that I did in our travel book and I cried as I copied it into my scrapbook. I was making good choices then. I need to get back to that again. I need to do it for me. Thus it's one of my goals.
  • Keep a list of all the books I read in 2010.
  • Keep a list of all the scrapbook layouts I do in 2010. (I'm debating if I should also include the ones that I do for the scrapbook store, as they aren't for me. Hmmm...decisions, decisions.)
  • Read at least 1 book off of the banned books list.
  • Work on my Listology Bucket List. Cross off at least 1 item. (Hopefully more!)
  • Get back on track financially. We slipped off the road so to speak, but I'm sure that we will get back on track. I'm re-reading Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey again. I'm already inspired. :)
  • Learn how to use my new camera. I think I will need one on one instruction for this!
This year I also decided to try to do a photo a day again. I found a really cool site called ShutterCal and I've been uploading my pictures there as well as Flickr. I don't think I will scrapbook these, well maybe some of my favorites, but nothing like my self-portrait 365 that I still haven't finished! Instead I'm going to order the prints from ShutterCal and keep them in that nifty, sweet box! Isn't that neat? I love how they look! Plus I can then use my new camera more. :)

I don't think I blogged about my new camera. But I got a Canon Rebel XS from Amazon! I got it for a steal of a deal and absolutely LOVE IT! I can't believe the quality of pictures it takes and how fast the shutter speed is! It's amazing!!! I really haven't taken it off of Auto much yet, but I can't wait to learn how to use it! I am loving it!! Oh and I so want some of the fun lens filters too! :D

Oh and don't worry, I will share my daily photos here on my blog. Or if I'm behind, you can view them on the shutter cal link above, or on my Flickr account.

Speaking of pictures, I should go back and upload the ones I have taken so far and post them here! :)


Andrew said...

Best of luck with the new year resolutions Amber. A good list of resolutions.

New Camera! Blimey! Jealous!

I was thinking of the 365 photo project myself this year, but instead will do a weekly project me thinks. Would like your views on doing a 365 project if possible. Intense at times for instance?

Again best of luck with the resolutions.


Amber said...

Thanks Andrew!

I will see if I can't get a post up here this week about my vewis of doing a 365. :) I think I have more to say about it than just in a comment. :)