Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 11 {Kid's Favorite Chocolate Chip Muffins}

Day 11
As far of my New Year's Resolutions, I'm going to try more recipes. Specifically, 3 a month for a year. This is the first one that I've tried so far this month. Here is the link to the original recipe.

I didn't have any whole wheat flour on hand (thought I did, but apparently I used it all!) so I used all purpose flour. Also, I used pumpkin pie spice in the muffins since I have a ton of that for some reason.

The verdict is that they are really good! Jason even liked them despite the fact that they have pumpkin in them! I will be making them again for sure, though of course with a couple modifications.

I think next time I'm going to use the whole wheat flour, cut the oil in half and use applesauce, and I need to see if I can't cut down the sugar. Though I won't be making these again for a while since we have 36 of them! That is a ton of muffins for 2 people!!!

If you try this recipe out, let me know what you think!


Susan Kara said...

Hobo pissed on my door. So i rubbed his face in it. *trying not to wake mom, it's midnight (i've got surgery tomorrow. I can sleep all day. Plus i'm behind and i'm procrastinating homework)* Well, apparently, me hitting his hipps, then rubbing his snout in his urine did not teach him a lesson, or make him afraid of me. He is sitting on my foot right now.


Amber said...

YES! Apple sauce!!!

You can cut down some of the oil by using applesauce! :)