Thursday, October 18, 2007

Is it wrong to want to be a housewife?

At Mama Central, there was a post about snide remarks about families. You wouldn't believe some of the comments that I have overheard in the backroom here at work. Which reminded me, that since I accepted the part-time position that I have been getting all sorts of questions/remarks from it.

"Why do you want to go part-time when you have no children?"
I want to be a better wife. I want to be there for my husband.

"How will you make it financially?"
We will be just fine.

"What will you do with all of your time?"
I will spend it working on projects in the house and doing more crafting, and trying to sell some of my creations.

"Will you be starting a family now?"
Time will tell.

"Now you can go back to school and start working on a degree."
*Smile* No, I don't think so.

It has been a goal of ours (Jason and mine) for me to go part-time, if not stay at home full time. I feel that it is important to be there and to support and take care of my husband. When I get home from work, I am often so tired and wore out from everything that happened at work that I don't want to cook or clean. Sadly, Jason has picked up my slack there. I am so blessed and thankful to have him. But I feel so bad and guilty that I am not doing what I feel like I should be doing. Thus me going part time is a good thing. I will be able to take care of the house, cooking, cleaning, etc more. To be a better wife essentially.

We will be just fine financially. We crunched the numbers and things will be tight until next spring, but we can make it. I'm getting a decent hourly wage increase, and we will make it just fine, in fact we are planning on getting debt free, save more, and invest more. Yes, I did say that I will be making less and we will be doing that. We will be responsible. We will live like no one else now, to live like no one else later.

Is it so wrong that I want to be a housewife and take care of my husband and house? I realize that at 24, I may not know everything, but I feel the pull to be home for my husband. To take care of him and the house. To be a 50's housewife, with apron and all.

I know that times have changed, that I'm not the norm, but I feel that is my role as a wife. I don't feel the need to go out there and work full time in a job I hate to just be able to make ends meet. My dream job is being a stay at home wife, and hopefully someday, stay at home mom. That is my dream job. No one seems to understand this, but that is ok. It's not their dream, it's mine.

I am weird. That is fine though, normal these days doesn't seem to be all about values, and as Dave Ramsey says, normals broke. I'm not normal and hope to never be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I married my ex and announced after Madison was born that I would be staying home, he did not object. His mother however felt it her duty to let me know HE might not take it well (he was fine with it actually) cause HE was use to a woman who actually WORKS. I informed her that HE was just fine with it and she told me that HE was probably just being nice. HE wasn't, she was. When Jon and I were married and I stayed home, she felt it was her duty to tell me that while it was admirable to do such a thing to raise kids and not work that our life would be hard and we would never be able to attain the things she had. Time has revealed she is RIGHT. She has a mortgage for $230,000 and with no equity cause she keeps re-financing it. She is working until she can AFFORD to retire, not when her health should dictate she SHOULD retire. She is up to her eyeballs in more debt that we have combined in our married life. She was right, we have no debt outside our Suburan loan (being paid off in Feb. 2008) and we will own our own home next year, mortgage free. No debt, lots for retirement and Dh being able to come home more rather than work himself into an early grave. Her response to this now? We are lucky. No, actually we are BLESSED, is what I tell her. We have always felt that having a family was our ministry. It was a calling from God. I think since we have held that belief God has made sure we could be an example of his provision, love, kindness and mercy.
When people are naysayers to you, simply say....."I trust God will provide." and smile. Cause what they think is 'providing' (money and things) is nothing compared to the peace & love that God provides when we do HIS work!
You keep charging along with your cute little apron my friend! :)
God Bless,