Friday, August 10, 2007

Picture share!

*Note, keep scrolling down, the spacing got all funky and I can't fix it.*

Here are some pictures that I have taken recently. Nothing extraordinaire. All of these are taken right from the camera with no adjustments at all. Except re-sizing.

This is a flower that bloomed in the yard! We have never seen one like this before! And no, we didn't plant it. It's not the best picture since I took it one morning after it rained, and I had my heels on for work and was sinking into the ground. Don't mind the blurriness. :)

The last time we went up north, the end of July, Sandy and Laura came over to Ma's house! We had a blast catching up. Here is Sandy and her son Matthew!

Then this is Laura and Matthew!

These next pictures might not appeal to everyone, but I thought they were cool. Jason and left to go up north about 2:30 a.m. and got up there just about dawn. I grabbed my camera, forgetting that Jeff at the scrapbook store set up my camera with to ISO 100, and played with some of my other settings. Most of my pictures turn out GREAT now that he set it. He is amazing with cameras/photographs. Anyway, these are the results, I did play with the ISO a bit in the car, and was having a blast. None of the pictures are clear as we were flying down the freeway at 70 miles an hour, and I was just snapping away. I do like how they turned out. Don't know if I'm going to print any of them or not. I think I will, just because I'm curious in how they will print.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Amber, I think these photos are amazing! (I know, comment on an old post, but I just had to say it! :)