Sunday, May 20, 2007


Isn't it funny how one little conversation can change everything. A lie that has been going on for five years. In a relationship that can make or break you, I guess. Something that should have been said that very first time that it happened, or in this case didn't, but not a word was said. A very important part of a romantic relationship. Something that in my opinion can make or break you. At first it didn't seem like a huge deal, but after 5 years, it is something that slowly eats away at you and makes you almost feel resentful of people that can do this, and makes you feel broken, so to speak. A conversation that is one of the hardest things that you have ever had to say...and then you wonder if it was the right thing to do. Maybe that lie should have been kept longer, but then the person keeping it would be more and more unhappy. But this lie will more than likely make the other person unhappy, but shouldn't the truth be put out there?

Doesn't everyone deserve happiness? I think they do. But what do you do when you don't know what will make you happy? All of these thoughts and what ifs swirling around in your head all the time. Would this make me happy or would this make me happy? Hard to know what can and will make you happy until you are there in the moment and reflect on it.

Another important part of a relationship is communication. Sitting down and sharing your thoughts and feelings. Your thoughts, dreams, what you would like in the future, what you are thinking now. Even if you have a hard time sharing your thoughts and feelings, it is necessary in a relationship. You can't keep them from your significant other, if you want to make your relationship work. If you don't share your feelings, thoughts, hopes, dreams, even the little things like how your day was, the other person feels emotionally detached, wondering if something is wrong, wondering what to do. It's one thing to talk about video games and movies, but another to share your more intimate thoughts. That is what makes a relationship. That is what makes or breaks you the relationship. It does not help a relationship to be silent and either ignore the person or to pretend nothing ever happened. At least that is my opinion.

1 comment:

Jason said...

Telling the truth was the best thing to do. Keeping this to yourself for so long has taken a huge piece of me away. This is something that should have been said from the get-go. I know we will have rough times, and that we can find an answer to this problem... but only together can we achieve it!

Your everything to me... we can get through this love.