Thursday, January 04, 2007

Not a good start to the day & Scrappy Chic

Yup, that is my photo for the day. Let me explain.

This morning I went through my normal routine. Up at 5:30, make a stop in the bathroom, grab a water, and my laptop, sit down in front of the TV to watch the news and check my boards/emails. Realized Scrappy Chic was still down, and tried to find the login information to contact the hosting company. Couldn't find it, so I got up and went to shower.

Showered, did my make up, and started making breakfast. Next thing I know I was in the dark. All that was left on was the stove and phone. I tried to call Jason, and finally got a hold of him and he came to my rescue and realized that a fuse was blown and fixed it for me. What a great start to the day, I'm not feeling that good to begin with and then I'm in the dark, LOL.

Anyway, Jason contacted the hosting company for Scrappy Chic and hopefully it will be up again soon.

1 comment:

blessedabundantly said...

Sorry your day got off to a rough start. Hope it gets better. :)