During the latter part of a year, it starts to feel a bit
claustrophobic. Everything caving in on you, coming to an end. So many projects and things to do, and not enough time to do them. It seems to me that after Christmas passes, things slow down, calm down. A whole new fresh start. I love it. A year coming to an end, a new year with a clean slate.
I'm typically not one to make New Year's resolutions, but this year I am. I am determined to make a change for the better. Here are the resolutions that I posted on Scrappy Chic.
-Work towards being completely debt free.
-Keep the money that we put in savings in there.
-Start a retirement plan.
-Aim towards working part time.
-Be more thankful for what I have rather than looking at what I don't have. (
Essentially be more positive)
-Be more creative and scrapbook more.
-Continue my
weight loss journey.
-Make more from scratch. Or should I say attempt to make foods from scratch?
LOL. Bread is number one on my list. :)
Now, Denise and Laurie have talked about Mrs. Catherine, and her challenge that she posted. Here is a link to the Mrs.
Catherine's Blog.
http://www.xanga.com/MrsCatherine/558980602/new-year-new-set-of-challenges--learning-something-new.htmlSo here are three things that I want to learn how to do in my home that I haven't done yet.
1. Declutter, simplify, organize.At work people tell me that I am so organized. And there I am. At home, I am to a certain extent, but I know I can do much better. This year I am going to do that. :)
2. Cook from scratch.Now, Jason and I have been doing this, and I have certain foods that I can make from scratch, and since starting my
weight loss journey we have done this more, but I need to learn how to cook healthy meals. I think my first task will be to make bread and rolls. There have been some wonderful recipes posted on Scrappy Chic, so I'm going to try those. I am going to make good use out of that bread machine that Jason and I got for a wedding gift. :)
3. Work towards being debt free.Jason and I started on this, and did great, but now we need to continue to do it and stick with it. That means limiting eating out (more
expensive now since we don't do fast food) and meal planning.
Now I'm going to to a fourth one as well :P
4. Be a more Godly woman.
Let's just say that I have never really followed the His word, and have realized that I need Him in my life. I want to be a wife that Jason will be proud of, increase my homemaking skills and I know that I can't do it on my own, I need Him in my life and to follow His word. Doing so will only make me a better person. :)