Friday, December 11, 2009


I know that I do a lot of posts called random or something to that effect, but oh well. :P

A while back someone asked me for feedback on the homemade laundry soap I made. I think that was way back in January 2009, and I don't think I ever did. Anyway, the first soap recipe I tried, was a liquid soap and I didn't like it. To me it seemed like it didn't whiten my clothes. After that I tried another soap recipe that Ma gave it. We made that up a while back and really liked it. I just made up a second batch tonight. Here's the recipe if you are interested.

Ma's Laundry Soap Recipe
1 box Borax
1 box Washing Soda (I can only find the Arm & Hammer brand around here)
1 bar grated soap (I use Ivory)

Mix it all together, and ensure that it gets mixed up well. When I mix it up, I tend to layer it and then mix it up. I use anywhere between 1/8 cup and 1/4 cup per load of laundry. Depends on how large the load is and how dirty the clothes are.

I finished wrapping the Christmas presents that are in the house tonight! Reindeer names have been chosen, and now I just need to ribbonize the gifts and tag then with reindeer names. :) We are celebrating Christmas up north next weekend and I gotta be ready. :)

Our Christmas tree looks so lonely in the corner with no decorations or lights on. Tomorrow I hope we can get the tree decorated. With me being sick this week, it just didn't happen. Thankfully Cullen has been leaving the Christmas tree alone, expect he likes to drink out of the tree stand water. Silly cat.

I need to give a big THANK YOU to Heather from Cool Zebras. She brought over a HUGE bag full of clothes and another smaller (but still large) bag of clothes over for Kent and Doreen!!!! THANK YOU so much! I am so touched that you did this.

I also got my pay it forward gift from Heather, but that deserves a post of it's own.

I had good intentions of continuing to blog a few times a week, but I haven't been. I need to get back to it, since I realize how much I miss it.

Speaking of missing things, I also noticed that I haven't been taking pictures. I feel like I am missing memories when I don't take pictures. I need to get back to that too. My blog posts look so lame without pictures. Sorry everyone!

Laundry just stopped, so I best go and switch that around. :)

1 comment:

Andrew said...


re: photos and missing memories.

I often feel the same way. Even when going for a stroll I grab the camera to take a photo or a short video clip. I wish in the past I had taken more.
