Monday, July 07, 2008

Day 189 {New Purse}

Day 189

I picked up a new purse the other day and finally transferred my stuff over to it. Let's just say I have a ton of extra room, but I love it! It is so me.

And if you notice how my hair is all over? That's how my hair looks when the humidity is 98%. Yuck. I hate when it's hot and muggy out.


Leslie Jordan said...

What a cute purse! I love it. I've been hating the humidity lately. Ugh.

CarolineNot said...

That is a great purse, and it looks like it would be really pleasing to tote around, draped upon your shoulder as it is; a perfect fit.

[I just reentered M.C. and am strolling around to catch up with members. Couldn't resist commenting on the purse. ºÜº]