Saturday, May 17, 2008


I am attempting to grow a few veggies this year. It's shocking. Me, with the brown thumb, attempting to garden. I decided to do it to see if I can't help lower our grocery bill at all and just to see if I can. So far, it's been a fun experience! I am actually loving it and enjoying it.

Well as you can see from these two pictures, I managed to grow some spouts!

We went up north one weekend, and when we came home, I looked in my containers that were in the window sills to see if anything had started to come up yet. I actually had SPROUTS coming up. I screamed, "I have sprouts!!!" and literally jumped up and down. I can't believe I grew something.

I'm not sure if I will keep the plants living, but I am trying it to see and I figure if anything, I will learn and do better next year. One thing I do know is that I need to start my plants in the house much earlier next year. I think I'm too late for what I'm attempting ot grow, but we will see. I also think I overwatered the plants to begin with. I will read, learn, and continue to garden. But the experience is so much fun! I can't tell you how much fun I'm actually enjoying it.


Anonymous said...

I don't know how long or short your growing season is, but hopefully you can squeeze out some produce.
I am glad that you are trying. You are attempting something you have never done before to help benefit your bottom line. Some people would rather complain about the problem, then solve the problem.


Amber said...

I hope to be able to squeeze out some as well. :)

I think it's fun to try to grow and do something different. I never thought I would enjoy gardening, but I am having a blast!

I don't think complaining will get you far at all, try to do something to help yourself out.