Thursday, April 03, 2008

Brain Purge

I had a few blog entry ideas roaming around in my head, and been meaning to post about them, but I haven't yet. Some are just fleeting thoughts that I typically forget, other times they are entries that I actually start composing in my head, that I never get down on here.

When I went to the doctor appointment for my hand, I also asked the doctor what is the process to start seeing someone for my depression. I hate admitting that I'm feeling down yet again, I feel like I need the help. Turns out that I get to go back and have a lovely half hour appointment with my normal doctor. They typically don't refer the cases out to the psychologists/psychiatrists unless absolutely necessary. Anyway, I'm fine with that and my appointment is set up for next week. I'm very nervous about it. But I'm determined to go through with the appointment. I did give him a *very* brief history, saying that I was on Zoloft a while back, and he thought that might help again. I remember thinking that the Zoloft didn't help me much, but then again, that's what Sue says with her meds, and we know when she does not take them.

In happier news, I recently got Photoshop Elements 6 and Scott Kelby's book, "The Photoshop Elements 6 Book for Digital Photographers." I'm LOVING it so far. I actually gone through the book straight through, I've been picking and choosing what to read based on what help my pictures need. I do plan on going through the entire book eventually. I highly recommend the book. What an eyeopener! It's just what I needed. It's a full color book, with step by step instructions that are easy to follow.

This week I've been in a baking/cooking kick. In planning next weeks meals, I'm even trying a new recipe. I think when I'm off work tomorrow I'm going to make Cinnamon Rolls. Yummy. I've been craving them for a while now, and have never made them before. Just what I need when I'm unhappy with my weight right? *eyeroll*

I've really missed scrapbooking while my hand was healing. I've gone months before without scrapbooking, but I've really been in the mood to and not able to. I think I will clean up my area and bit and pull some stuff out again to work on. I really need to get caught up on my photo a day scrapbook. I think I'm 2 months behind still, at least. But what is the point in being caught up? If I ever get caught up scrapbooking, I won't have anything to scrap and I don't want that!

I also need to get some of my pictures transferred over to photoshop in the correct size to print. I think I will do that this afternoon. Hy-Vee is having a buy one get one free print sale, so they should be cheap. Yay!

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