I have always been a worrier, (no not a warrior, a worrier :P) and I think it comes to me naturally. Growing up Ma was always a bit strict, and looking back that was a good thing. Though I remember telling her more than a few times that she worries too much. I worry about big and small things, and many, many things beyond my own control.
One of things that has been on my mind quite a bit lately is the state of our country. Now for those of you that know me, I'm not a political person at all, and while I try to watch the news and read the paper regularly, I don't get involved in a lot of different news stories and the hype. I do have my own opinions about issues, but often keep them to myself as I don't want to offend anyone.
Lately, I will readily admit to pulling more and more away from the news and newspaper. There is so much going on, and frankly it worries me, and stresses me out a bit.
With the rising prices and gas, how will the normal American family live? Obviously they will have to drastically cut everything out that they can, or pile on the credit card debt. I am guessing that most people will pile on the credit card debt. Most people that I know in real life have credit cards and are shocked when I say that we don't have them and don't use them. It's a choice that Jason and I made, we don't want to live off of credit, we want to be debt free and live within our means and save what little bit we can.
Many people complain about how they can't spend any less at the grocery store. The people that I have heard complaining about that don't use coupons, buy brand names, and a ton of processed food. I use coupons, and get many odd looks at the store, and from cashiers with the amount of coupons that I use. I only buy what we will need/use, and also what I can give away to others to use. I recently brought a box full of food up north to my parents to use. This summer, I am also planning a garden and hope that it works out for me. I don't have a green thumb at all. But I'm willing to try and see where it goes. It's an adventure of sorts. I'm also wondering how much of an impact all of the processed food we eat effects us. I'm working on getting back to basics and lessening the processed food in the house.
Obviously we have no control over the rising gas prices. We cut out gas coupons when we get them and use them, and we are starting to cut down our short trips some. Other than that, we have a small car already that gets decent gas mileage, but that is all we can do to help in that area.
With all of the recent news stories about
BPA I worry about what we as consumers aren't aware of in our food and food storage containers. I'm not one to get all hyped up about stuff, but if plastic containers have
BPA in them, then I need to go through and check everything over. Maybe I'm being too overprotective as the FDA does say that they are "safe" but more testing needs to be done. If there is a risk, why wait especially if children and such are at risk?
I've also been debating about being more "Green." No, I'm not going to turn green, but really making more conscientious decisions about things. Lessening our impact on the plant. I'm not really green at all right now. We recycle, we reuse grocery bags, and such, but there is so much MORE we can do. A few simple ideas are using cloth grocery bags, using more environment friendly cleaning solutions, using less gas, really watch what we buy and use and simply waste less.
I'm also wondering how the housing crisis is going to end. Things don't seem to be going too good in that area, and many houses I've noticed are sitting on the market for a long time. Jason and I would love to move, but we would end up upside down in our house. So here we stay.
I think it's interesting that Pres. Bush says that we aren't in a recession or depression. He says we are in a "slow-down." I honestly truly believe that we are in a recession and that things are going to get worse, much worse before getting better. I'm normally an optimistic person, in fact I have been told by colleagues that I'm too optimistic, but I truly believe that things are going to get worse before getting better.
I remember shortly before or after 9/11, I can't remember what one, that Ma said she had a dream about Great Grandma
Holmstrom telling her that she needed to prepare that things were going to be much worse than the Great Depression. I wonder if this is and what is yet to come is what Grandma
Holmstrom was talking about. Granted it's 7 years later, but still, I wonder. Ma, have you had any other dreams?
You know I realize that I'm not the typical 25-year old person. I worry about all of these things beyond my control. I love aprons. I'm going to attempt gardening. I'm going to attempt making our own laundry soap. I'm going to put up a clothes line in our yard in the middle of town.
But I'm
ok with that being different like that.