Thursday, March 09, 2006

Challege: What's eating me

  • People who can't read the simple e-mails that I send. How hard is it to read 3 sentances?
  • People who refused to go to the room that they are properly assisgned because it doens't work for them. Well then, why in the hell did they reserve it in the first place???? And of course, they do this 2 freaking days in a row.
  • People who knit-pick every little thing.
  • People who make small problems large problems.
  • (I think I have a problem with people today......)
  • My hair. It's at the stage where I don't know what to do with it. I don't want short hair, but the long hair isn't looking too good. I'm sick of the style that I have.
  • Pants. Why in the world can't I find any work pants that fit me? They are freaking huge in the butt. I could fit another butt in there.
  • People who call and ask the same question over and over again.
  • People who call and ask for a room, because they don't like the one that they have. When I tell them they ahve nothing available, they wait about 2-3 hours and then have their secretary call to see if I have anything open. Don't ya think if I would have had something open, I would have given it to you? I'm holding rooms hostage here.....
  • Work.
  • Work.
  • Oh, did I say work?
  • And people.

That about sums it up today. Aren't you glad you asked?


Anonymous said...

There's a lot of stupid people out there! That would put me in a major bad mood having to deal with them every day!

As for the pants, I can give you some of my butt if you want lol My problem is the waist. If the pants are big enough for my fat butt, they are too big in the waist, and I hate wearing belts. Go figure!

Magpie said...

^My hubby has a shirt that says... " you can't fix stupid "

Pants, My waist is bigger than my butt and that makes for a real problem. Can't we all just go naked and not care?

SandyLea said...

LOL If I went naked...everyone would run....then I wouldnt have to deal with problem solved! LOL

Working with people really does of the reasons I quit the sheriffs Department and went to a factory....

Stupid people...cant live with them...aint suppose to shoot them...