Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Have you ever looked back on your life and realize that this is where you thought you would be in life?

Tonight for some reason I'm in this mood and reflecting...and honestly, it's not a good thing.

Right now I'm 27. By this age, this is how I always imagined it would be.

I thought that by this age that I would be happily married, with 2.3 kids. Like the typical American family. I would be a stay at home mom for the children while my husband worked. I would have meals on the table, homemade, and would spend hours playing with the kids and scrapbooking a bit as time allowed. I would be living up north somewhere closer to my family. I wouldn't have to worry about money. I would have a large garden. Before I got married I would have traveled through Europe. I would have gone on vacations to Florida, California, and I would be very close to my family. Grandpa would have held my first born child. We would have a 3 generation photo taken.

It makes me feel like I am a failure. I know that I shouldn't feel that way, but I do. How wrong is it to feel this way? I know that I shouldn't look back, but I do. I wish I could simply look forward and move forward.....


Heather said...

I think we all wonder "what if" from time to time. No one's life is perfect, no matter what it looks like from the outside. All you can do is make the best of where you are and things will work out how they are meant to be. Change is scary...but one day you will probably look back and realize you made the best decisions at the time.

I didn't get married until I was 26 and I was SURE I was never going to meet the right person.

Shannon tenBrinke said...

youre not a failure <3

Jason said...

I think moving forward is a great thing! Nobody is perfect, and we all must work on what we want out of life. I'd like to help you reach your goals! :D

Cindy said...

You are not a failure!! Look at what you have done in your life and you will realize all the positive. Maybe that trip through Europe was never meant to be, it was the trip through Dakota or Vegas that WAS meant to be. Looking back and thinking of your dreams is never a bad thing! Every Time you look back you also need to realize what still lies ahead of you in the future....what that is your not going to know until that day comes to you.

cynthia said...

Hey Lady:) Ah the what if's!!!! But remember It is never to late to become who you want to be!!!

Jason said...

And you do have a family here at home... it may not be perfect, but it's yours none the less!

Anonymous said...

Thats true. At some point in our lifes you start to ask yourself "WHAT IFs" but they never bring you to a point. They cause so much pain and for what?!
Life is full of surprised and thats what makes it amazing!:) I mean you are 27 look how much time you still have: A LIFETIME!! You have all the time to travel and there is still time to raise kids. Please dont be so hard on yourself. I am sure your dreams will come true but maybe now in that order you have planned.;)Stay positiv (look what you've already acomplished) and work on your goals....building your family and safe money for a trip to your faves spots. You are always welcome to visit me/us over here in Germany!! <3