I thought I would do another blog entry. :) Two days in a row, wow, lol. ;) And since I love lists, I'm going to do this in list format....What makes me happy.
*Waking up before the alarm goes off. I don't feel so rushed then.....
*Russian Tea (Grandma Nelson's Recipe of course)*Having breakfast done and on the table when Jason comes home from work.
*Making a huge mess scrapbooking. I feel so creative.
*Making plans and shopping and creating for Christmas. <3 The holiday season. :)*Chocolate cupcakes that have just 131 calories in each of them. So moist and yummy and pumpkiny. Heaven for me.
*Jason cooking supper when I come home from work
*Music. Must have music.
*Silly pictures
*Effer Dares. They make me think outside the box.
*Jason tucking me into bed at night before he leaves for work.
*Comforts from childhood (my brown blankey and Corey)