Monday, September 04, 2006


Jason and I are getting ready to go on vacation on September 17. We are so excited! We are going on a road trip to South Dakota. It is going to be so much fun! Out of all the things that I should be doing for the trip, I'm working on uploading music to itunes to put on the ipod, LOL. Yes, I realize that there are a zillion other things I should be doing, but I'm currently worried about music, LOL. Yes, I realize that I'm crazy. :P But I will admit that I have 4 different lists started. In case you didn't know I'm a list maker. One list is Food to pack and bring, another list is for food and other items to buy before we go, the third list is other items to pack, and the fourth list is a list of things to do before we go.

Yup, I love my lists. I feel so much more organized and prepared when I have my lists. I love them. Maybe I am more organized than I thought I was.

This weekend was a fun weekend, I scrapbooked 2 LO's and started planning out our Christmas card. Now I just need to get a couple more supplies to make up a sample one and see if it's what I want. LOL. Jason and I went to Hobby Lobby today and picked up some stuff, now just to order the rest of what I need. I hope that it is what I want. I should start going through our Christmas Card list, to get a feel for how many Christmas cards to make...I think I need to make about 100 of them...not positive though.

1 comment:

Jason said...

I can't wait either! It's going to be a blast! I know we have lots to do before we go... and I know we will get everything together before that. lol... you may have as many lists as you want. I'll be the runner, you be the checker! ;)

You be is organized... specially when we plan to do things like this! I LOVE IT! Makes it easier on me!

I can't wait to help with Christmas cards this year! :D