Monday, September 11, 2006

5 days and counting

We are leaving for South Dakota about 5 a.m. on Sunday, September 17. This trip has come up so fast! And I've been stressing about it, but I think that stress is finally gone. The main thing that I have been stressing about is clothing. Yes, I realize that is such a small thing in the scheme of things, but I had no casual clothes that fit me after the weight loss. I've only been buying worth clothes. This weekend Jason and I went up north to visit the family and also took the girlies to the Mall and Wal-Mart. Believe it or not I got jeans and capris at Wal-Mart and they fit me good!! The Juniors size 19 jeans are perfect for me. The shirts there didn't fit good, but on the way home we stopped at Target in the cities and they had a ton of shirts that fit me perfect. Hooray! So now I have clothes for the trip.

Last night I started to pack some of the food, and get everything organized. A little bit each night and it will be good. My goal is to have the car completely packed except for food on Saturday so we can head out early, early on Sunday.

Jason and I had a lot of fun this weekend with the girlies. We took them shopping and out to eat and it was just a good time. Lots of fun. :) Lots of giggles and laughter. Love it.

Oh and the ipod works great in the car. We bought one of those FM adapter thingys, and it was great not having to deal with changing CD's every couple of songs. I *love* it. <3 <3 <3 My new favorite toy, LOL.

I was hoping to scrapbook this week, but I don't think I'm going to get to. :( Before we go, I do want to clean up my area so I can come home to a nice clean desk to scrap on.


Jason said...

I'm very happy we got the clothes out of the way! I had a good feeling that was what was getting to you! I'm happy that is now made you less worried! This weekend was fun, it was nice to spend quality shopping time with the girlies again!

Anonymous said...

The girls had a great time as well! They talk about this and that and what got giggles started.... Sue feels bad in her words... "it's so much work to take me anywhere" I told her it if it was a problem you guys wouldn't suggest taking her....maybe for the next trip shopping I'll have the ramp extension on my truck making everything sooooo much easier!

I'm just upset that I have to work Saturday nights when you guys come up!


Amber said...

Sue shouldn't feel bad. We *want* to take her out and go places. We are young and can handle it, LOL. Seriously, if we weren't up for it, we wouldn't take her. I enjoy spending time with the girlies, it's so much fun. :)

Amber :)