Tuesday, April 13, 2010


While I was cleaning out the spare bedroom upstairs, I found a box of papers and such from my school years. There were school papers, poems, notes, slam books, etc in there. I started to go through them, but then decided that it would take too much time and I would go through them later. But with the few that I did go through, I found this poem that I wrote. Based on my writing, it was sometime in high school....I'm guessing somewhere between 1999-2000, but I don't know for sure. I never was a good writer, and don't know why I'm sharing it now, but I'm going to. Who knows, I might end up removing this post.

Death so close
People rushing around
Loud voices
Frantic Screams

I whisper in a breaking voice I love you
To the one who holds my lifeless hand
I take a deep breath while tears stream down my face
Visions float through my head

Playing with laughing cousins
Christmas at home
Good times in school
Sleepovers with my friends
My wedding

A loud muffled voice interrupts these visions
Repeating I love you, don't leave me here alone
I am torn
Where do I go?

Someone gently guides me
Angels appear
Everything is white
But loving

I whisper in a terrified voice
What was that?
I feel a cold hand on my shoulder, shaking me
I slowly, mechanically turn around

I see a smiling face
We embrace
He says we will be together forever
I smile and we walk away
Hand in hand on the clouds
Watching over the world

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