Tuesday, February 02, 2010

February Food and Drink Challenge

Andrew has inspired me by this blog entry to join in his food and drink challenge for February. Andrew and his girlfriend are giving up coffee, tea, cheese, brown & tomato sauce, vegan mayo, and booze. Now my list isn't going to be that long. And giving up cheese and tea? WOW! They are amazing.

For the past few months, Jason and I (more so me, than him if I want to be honest) have slipped back into eating out way too much. We have even slipped back into having fast food again. Ugh! I want to break us from this habit, so in February we are going to give up going out to eat! With the exception of when I go to the cities with the Bellywings in February and when we are up north in February. So maybe I should just say that we are limiting it...but if I said that, I know I would use that to my advantage of eating out and I don't want to do that.

I have also decided that I am going to give up pop again as well. Once again, I did this before, and was great, but it has slowly crept back in my diet, mainly when we eat fast food, or when I am scrapbooking. I know it's not good for me, so I am giving that up completely. No exceptions to this one. I have no excuse to drink pop and I'm hoping to get rid of this one completely from my diet for years to come.

Consider joining in to the challenge! If you do, feel free to post a comment on my blog or Andrew's.


Andrew said...

Hi Amber,

Great post and I wish you both all the best of luck with the Feb Food & Drink Challenge.

Pop was something we had to deal with a while back and we are glad we did. I know you will be able to tackle it also. For me as you know, tea is my version of 'pop' these days.

Eating fast food can be so tempting. They load you up with sugar, fat and salt. Then you crash later. :( Darn you tasty vegetarian fast food!!

It's great you've joined the challenge and all the best. Look forward to seeing how you get on.

Best Regards

Amber said...

Thanks Andrew, I'm thrilled you blogged about the challenge and invited us to join in.

I know I can deal with pop (again), it's just a matter of not slipping up again.

Fast food is so very tempting for me!!!

I look forward to hearing about your progress in the challenge too. I'll be sure to check out your blog throughout the month. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow.. GL!! I might try this too.. but go to think on what I will do. Thanks for checking my blog out!! your the best. I am thinking the so cute needs to go.. and maybe just put black text or scribble in the spot. r maybe balnk. I can do both and post them.. and get opinions. Just wanted to get an idea what u thunk.. lol. I too feel like there is something off or missing. How r u doing?? Love ur frost picture. I think it turned out beautiful. =)

Amber said...

Thanks Bee. :) You should join in!

I'll keep watching for your blog post to post the new banners. I am very good at voicing my opinion, lol. :)

Jessica said...

GL hon, I know you can do it!!!! (:

Amber said...

Thanks Jessi!!! You can help keep me honest at crops!